Sponsors need to invest in children

Brazil suffers from an epidemic of childhood obesity, one of the central themes that Sports Value will invest in studies and projects aimed at improving our scenario.

According to IBOPE data, 1/3 of Brazilian children aged 4 to 12 years are overweight. The two main factors of this terrible evil: poor diet and sedentary lifestyle.

The future of a country depends on its children and young people and what we are watching is a constant worsening of health from 0 to 12 years and as adolescents as well. Serious illnesses like high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol are a reality for many children today in Brazil.

The lack of sports is increasing for this pubic, a very representative part of the children is sedentary, which definitely ends up being the main responsible for this epidemic. A child must be active, Always wasting energy and practicing sports.

Children who are sick usually stay at home, on the couch, eating badly, playing video games or on the Internet.

According to serious medical studies, childhood obesity acquired in childhood tends to accompany the person during adulthood.

Sponsors can change all this

The lack of public policies makes it impossible for Brazil to reverse this situation by the public sector.

Thus sponsors from a wide range of sectors must take the initiative and contribute to the children health.

Sports Value believes that marketing projects with corporate budgets should be used, offering sports and recreation for children and adolescents. More brands invest, more it will reap benefits.

In this case, the return is not just  media, but na effective change of the environment, drastically reducing the sedentarism and childhood obesity.

More you practice sport as a child, the greater the chance of doing it later. The same goes for the consumption of sponsoring brands, which have won future healthy consumers.

With the correct investments and different return, brands can conquer forever the hearts and minds of consumers for life.

It is literally to build with the consumers a much healthier and happier world.