Sponsorship of clubs reached R$ 659 million in 2017

According to a study on Brazil’s top 20 revenue clubs, which has just been published by Sports Value, Brazilian clubs closed 2017 with revenue of R$ 659 million with sponsorship and advertising, up 27%.

Sponsorship represents 13.1% of the R$ 5 billion generated by the clubs.

The clubs that grew the most in sponsorship revenue were Palmeiras, Flamengo, São Paulo, Grêmio and Botafogo.

Ranking – Revenues with sponsorships in 2017- R$ million

According to Sports Value analysis, this figure of R$ 659 million per year has the potential to double in size.

Brazilian clubs should earn more than R$ 1.3 billion with marketing per year.

Brazil is the largest media power and entertainment among emerging markets, and club sponsorship is underutilized.

The football market needs to innovate and be creative in the search for revenue, with companies with the fan and attracting investors.